The Importance of Photographs.

Lunch With The Girls



The other day I was at a friend’s house in a small town by Cuneo. She owns an old farmhouse (previously, a tavern in the 1800’s) that has been in her family for more than 100 years. This house tells an amazing story as it has hosted many guests, survived a war and been a family home. Its stone walls from another time, reveal the care in its construction and upkeep.

lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial

An entryway, justly nominated “le stalle” or the stalls, because when it was a tavern the horses were kept there. My friend also reminds me that from time to time, when she was a child, the home was used by the “Partigianni” or Italian Resistance during the war, where it provided a useful stepping-stone to ending German occupation. Bullet holes having since been filled and painted.

lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial

She then proceeds to show us a photo album her mother kept with family photos and it immediately reminds me of the importance of photography and existing in photographs. She shows us images of when she was young, of her mother and father, of her brother, of her friends and other relatives. All the while her face lights up with a heartwarming smile as she recalls the memories the photos hold.

lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial

As the grey skies started to break around us we move out to enjoy the garden. We all met at the Dog Park, so of course we brought (le bestie) them as well! We had a wonderful time in good company, with lots of treats to feast on.


lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial
lunch in the Italian country side Photographer Fotografa Lifestyle portraits ritratti documentary editorial